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Did you know that it takes an average of 2,600 liters of water to produce a single t-shirt? In addition, it uses almost a whole kilo of chemicals. When you know that, it feels very stupid to produce new things when there are already lots that have more left to give.

secondhand kläder

200 TON

Every single day, around 200,000 kg of clothes are thrown away in Sweden alone. That's about 73,000,000 kg of clothes in a year. The vast amount of these clothes are fully usable. It is not sustainable. Not for the environment and not for us.

Every day. 200,000 kg of textiles is being thrown away, and that´s only in Sweden. That is why we aim to save clothes that are about to be thrown away. Often perfectly flawless  clothes that can be loved again. For a long time. The more people discover us, the fewer garments will be thrown away. We wash, size and quality check all the clothes we receive.

sopberg av dumpade kläer

200 000 KG

secondhand kläder

We manufacture "on demand" to be as environmental friendly as we can. Keep in mind that because it is vintage, colors and fit may vary.

  1. Choose which print, type of garment, color and size you want and add to the shopping basket.

  2. Send order (then we manufacture it uniquely for you)

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